Onsite Sales Office Now Open Every Fri & Sat 11am-5pm
Base Features

Standard Specs for Our Storage Condominiums

Storage CondoBase Features

Storage CondoUpgrades

The beauty of owning at Napa Vault is that you can customize your storage space. In addition to the standard base features of our floor plans, we offer a wide array of optional upgrades. If you would like to discuss additional ways you can customize your space, please contact us with your questions.

  • Ceiling Fan $3,400

    A 72-inch industrial ceiling fan - Download Flyer (PDF)

  • Exhaust Fan $3,600

    A 10-inch by 10-inch exhaust fan above the suite’s main door

  • Upgraded Floor Finish $8,000

    Diamond abrasive grinding of the concrete slab, hardener application, two coats of Prosoco Concrete Protector

  • Air Conditioning Unit $50,000

    A roof-mounted 4-ton packaged heat pump unit along with the installation of the air distribution system including four supply grilles and one return; also includes an upgrade to the suite’s insulation, framing, drywall and metal paneling